August 12, 2020 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Boat Location:
Cottage Park Yacht Club
76 Orlando Ave
Winthrop, MA 02152
76 Orlando Ave
Winthrop, MA 02152
Cottage Park YC

Crew restrictions lifted, however, five crew limit to meet social distancing requirements
Be at Cottage Park Yacht Club - Wed August 12th @ 5:30PM EDT
Club Website: Cottage Park YCNotice of Race
Race Results: DNC
Post # 56
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Just a reminder that the gun is at 6pm (1800 for Dave) in September, so Dock time is 5pm. I will be down early tomorrow as I need to start de-cruiser-izing the boat (move the dingy and outboard, start swapping the mains out, etc.).
Looks like a fine night for a race! We have Dave, Grant and Justin and myself, so there's room for one more as Roman has a work conflict. The boat is currently on a mooring and current rules only allow 3 from a crew on the launch, but maybe if we're only four, we can all go. If not a couple of us (or I) can bring it in.
The sails are below, bundled with the battens in, so hoisting will not be a huge time drain.
I hope to be there no later than 5 today.
Looking forward to it!
So, now its wait and see due to the Tropical Storm. Stay tuned!
Down to 2 for tonight, any others with availability to join me and Roman?